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00001 // -*- C++ -*- 00002 00003 // TTensor.h: Definition of a tensor 00004 // Copyright (c) 2002 by Julien Keable and Pascal Vincent 00005 00006 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00007 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 00008 // 00009 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00010 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00011 // 00012 // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 00013 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 00014 // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 00015 // 00016 // 3. The name of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote 00017 // products derived from this software without specific prior written 00018 // permission. 00019 // 00020 // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR 00021 // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 00022 // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN 00023 // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, 00024 // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED 00025 // TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR 00026 // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF 00027 // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING 00028 // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS 00029 // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00030 // 00031 // This file is part of the PLearn library. For more information on the PLearn 00032 // library, go to the PLearn Web site at 00033 00034 #ifndef TENSOR_INC 00035 #define TENSOR_INC 00036 00037 #include <iostream.h> 00038 #include <plearn/base/Storage.h> 00039 #include <plearn/base/TinyVector.h> 00040 #include <vector> 00041 00042 using namespace std; 00043 00044 namespace PLearn { 00045 00046 template <class T> 00047 class TTensor; 00048 00049 typedef TinyVector<int, 7> IVec; 00050 00051 /* 00052 class: TTensorElementIterator 00053 Iterator that iterates over all elements of a TTensor 00054 */ 00055 00056 template<class T> 00057 class TTensorElementIterator 00058 { 00059 private: 00060 // tensor from which we iterate 00061 TTensor<T>* tensor; 00062 IVec position_; 00063 // the element 'i' in the following vector is the memory leap from the last elem. of dimension i to the next element 00064 // computed on creation to accelerate computations in operator++ 00065 IVec stride_minus_width; 00066 T* ptr; // current element pointer 00067 // is the iterator past the last tensor element? 00068 bool end_met; 00069 00070 public: 00071 00072 inline TTensorElementIterator() 00073 :tensor(NULL),ptr(NULL),end_met(false) 00074 { 00075 } 00076 00077 inline TTensorElementIterator(TTensor<T>* tensor_, const IVec& pos) 00078 :tensor(tensor_),position_(pos),end_met(false) 00079 { 00080 ptr = tensor->data()+tensor->linearIndex(pos); 00081 stride_minus_width.resize(tensor->ndims()); 00082 for(int i=0;i<(signed)tensor->ndims()-1;i++) 00083 stride_minus_width[i] = tensor->stride_[i+1] - tensor->stride_[i] * tensor->width_[i]; 00084 } 00085 00086 inline TTensorElementIterator<T>& operator++(); 00087 00088 inline T* operator->() const 00089 { return ptr; } 00090 00091 inline T& operator*() const 00092 { return *ptr; } 00093 00094 inline bool operator==(const TTensorElementIterator& other) 00095 { return ptr==other.ptr; } 00096 00097 inline bool operator!=(const TTensorElementIterator& other) 00098 { return ptr!=other.ptr; } 00099 00100 inline IVec position() const {return position_;} 00101 00102 inline bool end() const {return end_met;} 00103 }; 00104 00105 /* 00106 class TTensorSubTensorIterator : 00107 this iterator iterates on subTensor of a parent Tensor. 00108 For exemple, you might have a 3d tensor (x,y,z) and iterate over all (x,y) planes. 00109 To build such an object, call TTensor::getSubTensorIterator(IVec) with a vector 00110 containing non-zero values for the dimensions that the subTensors spread on 00111 */ 00112 00113 template<class T> 00114 class TTensorSubTensorIterator 00115 { 00116 private: 00117 // tensor from which we iterate 00118 TTensor<T>* tensor; 00119 IVec position_; 00120 IVec dimensions_; 00121 // is the iterator past the last element? 00122 bool end_met; 00123 00124 public: 00125 00126 inline TTensorSubTensorIterator(TTensor<T>* tensor_, const IVec& dim) 00127 :tensor(tensor_),dimensions_(dim),end_met(false) 00128 { 00129 position_=IVec((unsigned)tensor->ndims(),0); 00130 for(int i=0;i<tensor->ndims();i++) 00131 if(dimensions_[i]!=0) 00132 position_[i]=-1; 00133 } 00134 00135 inline TTensorSubTensorIterator<T>() 00136 :tensor(NULL),end_met(false){} 00137 00138 inline IVec position() const {return position_;} 00139 00140 inline TTensorSubTensorIterator<T>& operator++(); 00141 00142 inline TTensor<T> operator*() const 00143 { 00144 IVec from(tensor->ndims()),length(tensor->ndims()); 00145 for(int i=0;i<tensor->ndims();i++) 00146 { 00147 if(position_[i]==-1) 00148 { 00149 from[i]=0; 00150 length[i]=tensor->width_[i]; 00151 } 00152 else 00153 { 00154 from[i]=position_[i]; 00155 length[i]=1; 00156 } 00157 } 00158 return tensor->subTensor(from,length); 00159 } 00160 00161 inline bool end() const {return end_met;} 00162 }; 00163 00164 00165 00166 /* 00167 class Tensor: 00168 A tensor is a n-dimension matrix. The number of dimensions is determined 00169 at run-time upon object creation. The tensor, as of today, cannot be resized 00170 (that needs to be implemented, the default constructor is currently pointless) 00171 You can extract a subTensor by specifying two vectors : one for the start 00172 indices and one for the widths of the subTensor on each dimensions. 00173 Dimensions with width == 0 are not 'dimensions' anymore. E.g: a(x,y) plane 00174 extracted from a 3d tensor (x,y,z) has only 2 dimensions. 00175 */ 00176 00177 template <class T> 00178 class TTensor 00179 { 00180 friend class TTensorElementIterator<T>; 00181 friend class TTensorSubTensorIterator<T>; 00182 protected: 00183 int offset_; 00184 IVec stride_; 00185 IVec width_; 00186 PP< Storage<T> > storage; 00188 public: 00189 typedef TTensorElementIterator<T> iterator; // iterator over elements 00190 typedef TTensorSubTensorIterator<T> subTensorIterator; // iterator over elements 00191 00192 TTensor<T>() 00193 :offset_(0), stride_(0), width_(0) 00194 {} 00195 00196 TTensor<T>(IVec len) 00197 :offset_(0), stride_(0), width_(len) 00198 { 00199 stride_.resize(len.size()); 00200 for(int i=0;i<ndims();i++) 00201 { 00202 stride_[i]=1; 00203 for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j--) 00204 stride_[i]*=len[j]; 00205 } 00206 storage = new Storage<T>(totalElements()); 00207 } 00208 00209 TTensor<T>(const IVec& len, const T& init_value) 00210 :offset_(0), stride_(0), width_(len) 00211 { 00212 stride_.resize(len.size()); 00213 for(int i=0;i<ndims();i++) 00214 { 00215 stride_[i]=1; 00216 for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j--) 00217 stride_[i]*=len[j]; 00218 } 00219 storage = new Storage<T>(totalElements()); 00220 fill(init_value); 00221 } 00222 00224 int resize(const IVec& len) 00225 { 00226 width_=len; 00227 stride_.resize(len.size()); 00228 for(int i=0;i<ndims();i++) 00229 { 00230 stride_[i]=1; 00231 for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j--) 00232 stride_[i]*=len[j]; 00233 } 00234 storage = new Storage<T>(totalElements()); 00235 offset_=0; 00236 } 00237 00238 int ndims() const { return width_.size();} 00239 00240 IVec width() const {return width_;} 00241 IVec sizes() const {return width_;} 00242 int size(int k) const { return width_[k]; } 00243 00244 int totalElements() const 00245 { 00246 if(ndims()==0) 00247 return 0; 00248 int te=1; 00249 for(int i=0;i<ndims();i++) 00250 te*=width_[i]; 00251 return te; 00252 } 00253 00254 int linearIndex(const IVec& pos) const 00255 { 00256 int idx=0; 00257 for(int i=0;i<ndims();i++) 00258 idx+=pos[i]*stride_[i]; 00259 return idx; 00260 } 00261 00262 int linearIndex(const vector<int>& pos) const 00263 { 00264 int idx=0; 00265 for(int i=0;i<ndims();i++) 00266 idx+=pos[i]*stride_[i]; 00267 return idx; 00268 } 00269 00270 00271 // extract a sub tensor from this one. 'from' is a vector of start indices in each dimension, len is the length of each new dimension 00272 // Any dimension of length 0 will not be considered as a dimension anymore (we'll keep a slice at the particular position given by from). 00273 // i.e. : a subTensor extracted from a 3d tensor (x,y,z) with the len of the z dimension set to 0 will be a 2d tensor 00274 TTensor<T> subTensor(const IVec& from, const IVec& len) 00275 { 00276 TTensor<T> subt = *this; 00277 subt.width_ = len; 00278 subt.offset_ = linearIndex(from); 00279 00280 IVec idx; 00281 for(int i=0;i<ndims();i++) 00282 { 00283 if(from[i]<0 || from[i]+len[i]>width_[i] || len[i]<0) 00284 PLERROR("TTensor::subTensor : at index %i : from, len, width = %i %i %i",i,from[i],len[i],width_[i]); 00285 if(len[i]>0) // skip the 0 dimensions 00286 idx.push_back(i); 00287 } 00288 // if idx is empty, it is because all lengths are 0: we have a scalar 00289 if(idx.empty()) 00290 idx.push_back(0); 00291 subt.selectDimensions(idx); 00292 return subt; 00293 } 00294 00295 00296 00297 // NOTE: (Pascal) This call has been deprecated because the throw_useless_dimension behaviour is unsatisfactory and a potential for nasty bugs. 00298 // I've rewritten another subTensor method with a clearer semantic: a len of 1 means keep that dimension (as a single element with that particular value) 00299 // and a len of 0 means throw away that dimension. 00300 // extract a sub tensor from this one. 'from' is a vector of start indices in each dimension, len is the length of each new dimension 00301 // ** NOTE : 00302 // If 'throw_useless_dimensions' == true, any dimension of length 1 will not be considered as a dimension anymore 00303 // i.e. : a subTensor extracted from a 3d matrix (x,y,z) with a fixed z value will be a 2d matrix rather than a 3d matrix 00304 // with a width of one in the 'z' dimension 00305 TTensor<T> DEPRECATEDsubTensor(const IVec& from, const IVec& len, bool throw_useless_dimensions=true) 00306 { 00307 TTensor<T> subt = *this; 00308 subt.width_ = len; 00309 subt.offset_ = linearIndex(from); 00310 00311 IVec idx; 00312 for(int i=0;i<ndims();i++) 00313 { 00314 if(from[i]<0 || from[i]+len[i]>width_[i] || len[i]<0) 00315 PLERROR("TTensor::subTensor : at index %i : from, len, width = %i %i %i",i,from[i],len[i],width_[i]); 00316 if(len[i]>1 || !throw_useless_dimensions) 00317 idx.push_back(i); 00318 } 00319 // if idx is empty, it is because all lengths are 1 since a single element was selected, 00320 // so we need to create a single dimension. 00321 if(idx.empty()) 00322 idx.push_back(0); 00323 subt.selectDimensions(idx); 00324 return subt; 00325 } 00326 00327 TTensor<T> operator[](int i) 00328 { 00329 IVec from; 00330 IVec len; 00331 from.push_back(i); 00332 len.push_back(0); 00333 for(int k=1; k<ndims(); k++) 00334 { 00335 from.push_back(0); 00336 len.push_back(size(k)); 00337 } 00338 return subTensor(from,len); 00339 } 00340 00341 void selectDimensions(const IVec& dim) 00342 { 00343 IVec newwidth,newstride; 00344 for(int i=0;i<(signed)dim.size();i++) 00345 { 00346 newwidth.push_back(width_[dim[i]]); 00347 newstride.push_back(stride_[dim[i]]); 00348 } 00349 stride_=newstride; 00350 width_=newwidth; 00351 } 00352 00353 T& operator()(const IVec& pos) const {return (*storage)[linearIndex(pos)];} 00354 T& operator()(const vector<int>& pos) const {return (*storage)[linearIndex(pos)];} 00355 00356 void fill(const T& val) 00357 { 00358 int te=totalElements(); 00359 for(int i=0;i<te;i++) 00360 (*storage)[i]=val; 00361 } 00362 00363 inline T* data() const 00364 { 00365 #ifdef BOUNDCHECK 00366 if(!storage) 00367 PLERROR("IN TTensor::data()\nAttempted to get a pointer to the data of an empty matrix"); 00368 #endif 00369 return storage->data+offset_; 00370 } 00371 00372 IVec lastElementPos() const 00373 { 00374 IVec v; 00375 v.resize(ndims()); 00376 for(int i=0;i<ndims();i++) 00377 v[i]=(width_[i]-1); 00378 return v; 00379 } 00380 00382 inline iterator begin() 00383 { 00384 return iterator(this, IVec((unsigned)ndims(),0)); 00385 } 00386 00387 // note that Tensor iterators know if they're past the end of data by themselves 00388 // this method is only implemented to provide a standard interface. Check for iterator.end() 00389 inline iterator end() 00390 { 00391 return iterator(this,lastElementPos()); 00392 } 00393 00395 inline subTensorIterator getSubTensorIterator(const IVec& v) 00396 { 00397 return subTensorIterator(this, v); 00398 } 00399 00400 }; 00401 00402 typedef TTensor<real> Tensor; 00403 00404 template<class T> 00405 inline TTensorElementIterator<T>& TTensorElementIterator<T>::operator++() 00406 { 00407 ptr+=tensor->stride_[0]; 00408 position_[0]++; 00409 // if we hit the end of the first dimension 00410 // we need to compute a few things 00411 if(position_[0]==tensor->width_[0]) 00412 { 00413 bool found=false; 00414 int idx=0; 00415 // find the lowest index of the position vector we can increment 00416 // a.k.a get the next element of the tensor 00417 while(!found && idx<(signed int)(tensor->ndims()-1)) 00418 { 00419 idx++; 00420 found = position_[idx]<tensor->width_[idx]-1; 00421 } 00422 if(found) 00423 { 00424 position_[idx]++; 00425 for(int i=0;i<idx;i++) 00426 { 00427 ptr+=stride_minus_width[i]; 00428 position_[i]=0; 00429 } 00430 } 00431 else 00432 // all elements of the tensor have been visited 00433 end_met=true; 00434 } 00435 return *this; 00436 } 00437 00438 00439 template<class T> 00440 inline TTensorSubTensorIterator<T>& TTensorSubTensorIterator<T>::operator++() 00441 { 00442 bool found=false; 00443 int idx=-1; 00444 // find the lowest index of the position vector we can increment 00445 while(!found && idx<(signed int)(tensor->ndims()-1)) 00446 { 00447 idx++; 00448 found = position_[idx]!=-1 && position_[idx]<tensor->width_[idx]-1; 00449 } 00450 if(found) 00451 { 00452 position_[idx]++; 00453 for(int i=0;i<idx;i++) 00454 if(position_[i]!=-1) 00455 position_[i]=0; 00456 } 00457 else 00458 // all subTensors of the tensor have been visited 00459 end_met=true; 00460 00461 return *this; 00462 } 00463 00464 00465 }; 00466 00467 #endif

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