00001 // -*- C++ -*- 00002 00003 // plearn_inc.h 00004 // 00005 // Copyright (C) 2004 Olivier Delalleau 00006 // 00007 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00008 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 00009 // 00010 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00011 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00012 // 00013 // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 00014 // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 00015 // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 00016 // 00017 // 3. The name of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote 00018 // products derived from this software without specific prior written 00019 // permission. 00020 // 00021 // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR 00022 // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 00023 // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN 00024 // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, 00025 // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED 00026 // TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR 00027 // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF 00028 // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING 00029 // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS 00030 // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00031 // 00032 // This file is part of the PLearn library. For more information on the PLearn 00033 // library, go to the PLearn Web site at www.plearn.org 00034 00035 /* ******************************************************* 00036 * $Id: plearn_inc.h,v 1.24 2004/08/03 19:01:32 tihocan Exp $ 00037 ******************************************************* */ 00038 00039 // Authors: Olivier Delalleau 00040 00045 #ifndef plearn_inc_INC 00046 #define plearn_inc_INC 00047 00048 /***************** 00049 * Miscellaneous * 00050 *****************/ 00051 #include <plearn_learners/misc/Grapher.h> 00052 #include <plearn/misc/ShellScript.h> 00053 #include <plearn/misc/RunObject.h> 00054 #include <plearn/db/UCISpecification.h> 00055 #include <plearn_learners/testers/PTester.h> 00056 00057 /*********** 00058 * Command * 00059 ***********/ 00060 #include "PLearnCommands/AutoRunCommand.h" 00061 #include "PLearnCommands/FieldConvertCommand.h" 00062 #include "PLearnCommands/HelpCommand.h" 00063 #include "PLearnCommands/JulianDateCommand.h" 00064 #include "PLearnCommands/KolmogorovSmirnovCommand.h" 00065 #include "PLearnCommands/LearnerCommand.h" 00066 #include "PLearnCommands/ReadAndWriteCommand.h" 00067 #include "PLearnCommands/RunCommand.h" 00068 #include "PLearnCommands/TestDependenciesCommand.h" 00069 #include "PLearnCommands/TestDependencyCommand.h" 00070 #include "PLearnCommands/VMatCommand.h" 00071 00072 /********** 00073 * Kernel * 00074 **********/ 00075 #include <plearn/ker/AdditiveNormalizationKernel.h> 00076 #include <plearn/ker/DotProductKernel.h> 00077 #include <plearn/ker/GaussianKernel.h> 00078 #include <plearn/ker/GeodesicDistanceKernel.h> 00079 #include <plearn/ker/LLEKernel.h> 00080 #include <plearn/ker/NegOutputCostFunction.h> 00081 #include <plearn/ker/ReconstructionWeightsKernel.h> 00082 00083 /************* 00084 * Optimizer * 00085 *************/ 00086 #include <plearn/opt/AdaptGradientOptimizer.h> 00087 #include <plearn/opt/ConjGradientOptimizer.h> 00088 #include <plearn/opt/GradientOptimizer.h> 00089 00090 /************ 00091 * PLearner * 00092 ************/ 00093 #include <plearn_learners/generic/AddCostToLearner.h> 00094 #include <plearn_learners/classifiers/ClassifierFromDensity.h> 00095 #include <plearn_learners/regressors/ConstantRegressor.h> 00096 #include <plearn_learners/regressors/LinearRegressor.h> 00097 #include <plearn_learners/classifiers/MultiInstanceNNet.h> 00098 #include <plearn_learners/generic/NNet.h> 00099 #include <plearn_learners/unsupervised/PCA.h> 00100 #include <plearn_learners/regressors/PLS.h> 00101 #include <plearn_learners/generic/StackedLearner.h> 00102 #include <plearn_learners/generic/TestingLearner.h> 00103 // Distribution (deprecated) 00104 #include <plearn_learners/distributions/LocallyWeightedDistribution.h> 00105 // EmbeddedLearner 00106 #include <plearn_learners/generic/SelectInputSubsetLearner.h> 00107 // KernelProjection 00108 #include <plearn_learners/unsupervised/Isomap.h> 00109 #include <plearn_learners/unsupervised/KernelPCA.h> 00110 #include <plearn_learners/unsupervised/LLE.h> 00111 #include <plearn_learners/unsupervised/SpectralClustering.h> 00112 // PDistribution 00113 #include <plearn_learners/distributions/ConditionalDensityNet.h> 00114 #include <plearn_learners/distributions/GaussianDistribution.h> 00115 #include <plearn_learners/distributions/ManifoldParzen2.h> 00116 #include <plearn_learners/distributions/SpiralDistribution.h> 00117 #include <plearn_learners/distributions/UniformDistribution.h> 00118 00119 /************ 00120 * Splitter * 00121 ************/ 00122 #include <plearn/vmat/DBSplitter.h> 00123 #include <plearn/vmat/ExplicitSplitter.h> 00124 #include <plearn/vmat/FilterSplitter.h> 00125 #include <plearn/vmat/FractionSplitter.h> 00126 #include <plearn/vmat/KFoldSplitter.h> 00127 #include <plearn/vmat/RepeatSplitter.h> 00128 #include <plearn/vmat/SourceVMatrixSplitter.h> 00129 #include <plearn/vmat/TestInTrainSplitter.h> 00130 #include <plearn/vmat/ToBagSplitter.h> 00131 #include <plearn/vmat/TrainTestSplitter.h> 00132 #include <plearn/vmat/TrainValidTestSplitter.h> 00133 00134 /********************* 00135 * VecStatsCollector * 00136 *********************/ 00137 #include <plearn/math/LiftStatsCollector.h> 00138 00139 /*********** 00140 * VMatrix * 00141 ***********/ 00142 #include <plearn/vmat/AsciiVMatrix.h> 00143 #include <plearn/vmat/AutoVMatrix.h> 00144 #include <plearn/vmat/BatchVMatrix.h> 00145 #include <plearn/vmat/BootstrapVMatrix.h> 00146 #include <plearn/vmat/CenteredVMatrix.h> 00147 #include <plearn/vmat/CompactVMatrix.h> 00148 #include <plearn/vmat/CompressedVMatrix.h> 00149 #include <plearn/vmat/CumVMatrix.h> 00150 #include <plearn/vmat/DatedJoinVMatrix.h> 00151 #include <plearn/vmat/FilteredVMatrix.h> 00152 #include <plearn/vmat/FinancePreprocVMatrix.h> 00153 #include <plearn/vmat/GeneralizedOneHotVMatrix.h> 00154 #include <plearn/vmat/GetInputVMatrix.h> 00155 #include <plearn/vmat/GramVMatrix.h> 00156 #include <plearn/vmat/IndexedVMatrix.h> 00157 #include <plearn/vmat/JulianizeVMatrix.h> 00158 #include <plearn/vmat/KNNVMatrix.h> 00159 #include <plearn/vmat/LocalNeighborsDifferencesVMatrix.h> 00160 #include <plearn/vmat/MultiInstanceVMatrix.h> 00161 #include <plearn/vmat/OneHotVMatrix.h> 00162 #include <plearn/vmat/PairsVMatrix.h> 00163 #include <plearn/vmat/PrecomputedVMatrix.h> 00164 #include <plearn/vmat/ProcessingVMatrix.h> 00165 #include <plearn/vmat/RegularGridVMatrix.h> 00166 #include <plearn/vmat/RemoveDuplicateVMatrix.h> 00167 #include <plearn/vmat/SortRowsVMatrix.h> 00168 #include <plearn/vmat/SparseVMatrix.h> 00169 #include <plearn/vmat/SubInputVMatrix.h> 00170 #include <plearn/vmat/ThresholdVMatrix.h> 00171 #include <plearn/vmat/TransposeVMatrix.h> 00172 #include <plearn/vmat/VMatrixFromDistribution.h> 00173 #include <plearn_learners/language/TextSenseSequenceVMatrix.h> 00174 00175 #endif 00176