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PLearn::GhostScript Member List

This is the complete list of members for PLearn::GhostScript, including all inherited members.

centerShow(real x, real y, const char *str)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
centerShow(real x, real y, Vec v)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
char_type typedefPLearn::GhostScript [protected]
command_stringPLearn::GhostScript [protected]
copypage()PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
displayBlack(const Mat &bm, real x, real y, real w, real h, bool painton1=true)PLearn::GhostScript
displayGray(const Mat &bm, real x, real y, real w, real h)PLearn::GhostScript
displayRGB(const Mat &bm, real x, real y, real w, real h)PLearn::GhostScript
drawArrow(real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
drawBox(real x, real y, real width, real height)PLearn::GhostScript
drawCircle(real x, real y, real r)PLearn::GhostScript
drawCross(real x, real y, real r, bool vertical=false, real ry=-1)PLearn::GhostScript
drawLine(real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
erasepage()PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
fillBox(real x, real y, real width, real height)PLearn::GhostScript
fillCircle(real x, real y, real r)PLearn::GhostScript
GhostScript(int width=200, int height=200)PLearn::GhostScript
GhostScript(const string &filename, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2)PLearn::GhostScript
grestore()PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
gs_cstreamPLearn::GhostScript [protected]
gsave()PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
isfilePLearn::GhostScript [protected]
mapping(real sourcex, real sourcey, real sourcewidth, real sourceheight, real destx, real desty, real destwidth, real destheight)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
moveto(real x, real y)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
multilineShow(real x, real y, const string &text, real newlinesize, char halign='l', char valign='b')PLearn::GhostScript
operator<<(char *str)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
rotate(real angle)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
run(const char *filename)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
scale(real x, real y)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
setcolor(real r, real g, real b)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
setcolor(real rgb)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
setcolor(char *colorname)PLearn::GhostScript
setdash(Vec ary, real x=0)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
setgray(real g)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
setlinewidth(real w)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
show(const char *str)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
show(real x, real y, const char *str, char halign='l', char valign='b')PLearn::GhostScript
show(real x, real y, Vec v)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
showpage()PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
togsPLearn::GhostScript [protected]
translate(real x, real y)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
usefont(const char *fontname="Times-Roman", real pointsize=12.0)PLearn::GhostScript [inline]
writeBitmapHexString1Bit(const Mat &bm, PStream &out, bool lastrowfirst=false)PLearn::GhostScript [protected, static]
writeBitmapHexString24Bits(const Mat &bm, PStream &out, bool lastrowfirst=false)PLearn::GhostScript [protected, static]
writeBitmapHexString8Bits(const Mat &bm, PStream &out, bool lastrowfirst=false)PLearn::GhostScript [protected, static]

Generated on Tue Aug 17 16:23:05 2004 for PLearn by doxygen 1.3.7